Neuropsychological assessment in Spanish speakers in the US
Speaker: Shelley Peery, PhD, Fellow NAN
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Culture can be unpacked into measurable factors including psychosocial history, health status, language development and bilingualism. Biases on cognitive measures are present in both verbal and non-verbal measures. Many measures are available in Spanish, each with advantages and disadvantages in psychometric properties, adaptation procedures, and diagnostic utility. Factors affecting construct validity can be mitigated to a limited extent with appropriate norms. Practical approaches to cross cultural assessment can enhance diagnostic accuracy in a demographically diverse population of Spanish speakers. Caveats for interpretation remain necessary, but several practices can make for a more valid assessment as well as treatment recommendations tailored to the individual
Learning Objectives:
Discuss construct validity of verbal and non-verbal measures in Spanish-speakers
Compare and contrast the relative utility of Spanish-language Wechsler instruments
List areas of inquiry to add to the clinical interview of a cross cultural neuropsychological assessment
Describe measures available in Spanish for each cognitive domain.
Financial Disclosures: None
Nonfinancial Disclosures: None
Target Audience: Pre- and postdoctoral neuropsychology trainees and professionals; speech-language therapists, occupational therapists, clinical psychology trainees and professionals.
Speaker Bio: Culture can be unpacked into measurable factors including psychosocial history, health status, language development and bilingualism. Biases on cognitive measures are present in both verbal and non-verbal measures. Many measures are available in Spanish, each with advantages and disadvantages in psychometric properties, adaptation procedures, and diagnostic utility. Factors affecting construct validity can be mitigated to a limited extent with appropriate norms. Practical approaches to cross cultural assessment can enhance diagnostic accuracy in a demographically diverse population of Spanish speakers. Caveats for interpretation remain necessary, but several practices can make for a more valid assessment as well as treatment recommendations tailored to the individual.
References relevant to talk:
Tedd Judd, Darla Capetillo, José Carrión-Baralt, Leonardo M. Mármol, Liza San Miguel-Montes, M. Gina Navarrete, Antonio E. Puente, Heather Rodas Romero, Jacqueline Valdés, and the NAN Policy and Planning Committee (2005). Professional Considerations for Improving the Neuropsychological Evaluation of Hispanics: A National Academy of Neuropsychology Education Paper, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, Volume 24, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 127–135,
Strutt, A., Lozano Bordes, V., Resendiz, C. & Peery, S. (2015). Neuropsychological assessment of Spanish speakers. In ed. Ferraro, R. (Ed), Minority and Cross-Cultural Aspects of Neuropsychological Assessment: Enduring and Emerging Trends (Studies on Neuropsychology, Neurology and Cognition). Swets & Zeitliner.
Peery, S., Byrd, D.A., & Strutt, A. (2017). Diversity considerations in forensic neuropsychology. In Ed. Damascus, G. (2017), APA Handbook of Forensic Neuropsychology. APA
Manly, J. (2005). The advantages and disadvantages of different norms for African Americans. The clinical neuropsychologist 19, 270-275.
Nell, V. (2000) Cross-cultural neuropsychological assessment: Theory and practice. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.