Welcome to the 2024 NYNG Training Fair! Below, please find a list of participating sites and associated videoconference links. For any problems during the fair, please contact Melanie Thies.
The Training Fair will be held on Monday, November 18, 2024
** Please note that this page will not be updated until about a week before the fair. **
Session 1 (6:30-7:15 pm) - Externships (A-M)
Session 2 (7:15-8:00 pm) - Externships (N-Z)
Session 3 (8:00-8:45 pm) - Internships/Fellowships
6:30-7:15 PM Session (Externships A-M)
Site Name | Supervisor(s) | Levels of Training (# positions) | Site Description | Zoom Link | Passcode |
Bellevue Hospital | Sonia Bernal, Caroline Brachfeld, Hannah Esan, Halle Thurnauer | Extern (2) | Flyer | https://hhc.webex.com/hhc/j.php?MTID=m7cbfbcb7214fa0fe2700cd6b1602c4ba | Meeting: 2303 303 9531 Passcode: 92b7DgNkim? |
Burke Rehabilitation Hospital, Montefiore Health System | Jamie Twaite, Julieanne Shulman, Elizabet Santana, Tahila Eilam-Stock | Extern (3; 1 Neuropsychology, 2 Rehab Psychology) | Flyer | https://einsteinmed.zoom.us/j/92909228270 | |
Center for Neuropsychological Services at Northwell Health | Philip Watson, Julia Chen, Pat Olsen | Extern (5; 2 adult, 1 pediatric, 2 lifespan) | Flyer | https://northwellhealth.zoom.us/j/93635574435?from=addon | |
Child Mind Institute, Health Brain Network (HBN) | Rebecca Neuhaus, Michael Milham, Russell Tobe, Emily Hart | Extern (2) | Flyer | https://us05web.zoom.us/j/86414760826?pwd=Z90bP6LUhmIgvGakIY5nomYbyMll6K.1 | Passcode: FRN5y8 |
Child Mind Institute, Learning and Development Center (LDC) | Daryaneh Badaly, Kenneth Schuster, Laura Phillips, Matthew Cruger, Alex Bellantuono, Angela Dewey, Rachel Ganz | Extern (2) | Flyer | https://childmind.zoom.us/j/83491027725?pwd=xuyYK845VMDtn1q9MoQSmVJhCCvvKF.1 | Passcode: 910528 |
Cohen's Children's Medical Center, Dept of Pediatric Neurology, Northwell Health | Gennaro DiCarlo | Extern (2) | Flyer | Click for Microsoft Teams Meeting | |
Columbia University Medical Center, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center | Marla Hamberger, Jeffrey Cole | Extern (4) | Flyer |
https://columbiacuimc.zoom.us/j/97848254763?pwd=N1NYSGxTQ0RQM2JWZ2d6T2NDV3ZmQT09 | |
Columbia University Medical Center, Neuropsychology Service | Stephanie Assuras, Jason Krellman, Lilian Salinas, Katee Yang | Extern (4-6) | Flyer | https://columbiacuimc.zoom.us/j/96895105704?pwd=Ty9waFkxU2VXUjlvTkRxYktjYkMxdz09 | |
Envisage Neuropsychology | Dominick Auciello | Extern (3) | Flyer | https://fordham.zoom.us/j/3045839999 | |
Growing Minds Psychology | Matthew Pagirsky | Extern (2) | Flyer | https://zoom.us/j/6464946149 | |
Lenox Hill Hospital, Center for Attention and Learning, Northwell Health | Anna Goodearl, Estrella Rajwan-Heber, Anindita Rao, Jared Band | Extern (3-4) | Flyer | https://northwellhealth.zoom.us/j/93967429618 | |
Memorial Sloan Kettering Pediatric Neuropsychology | Stephen Sands | Extern (2) | Flyer | https://meetmsk.zoom.us/j/94174998494 | |
Montefiore Medical Center, Dept of Neurology, Division of Neuropsychology | Ronda Facchini, Erica Weiss, Diana Bronshteyn, Marnina Stimmel, John McGinley, Esteban Viruet, and David Masur | Extern (3) | Flyer | https://einsteinmed.zoom.us/j/94962005463 | |
Montefiore Medical Center, Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Neuropsychology Assessment Service | Bryan Freilich, Nicole Feirsen, Jodi Uderman, Elyssa Scharaga | Extern (4; 3 lifespan/adult-focused, 1 lifespan/pediatric-focused) | Flyer | https://einsteinmed.zoom.us/j/95993019472 | |
Mount Sinai Medical Center, Dept of Psychiatry, Adult Neuropsychology Center | Jane Martin, Margaret Sewell, Maria Loizos | Extern (2) | Flyer | https://mssm.zoom.us/j/89161205999 | |
Mount Sinai Medical Center, Downtown, Dept of Neurology, Division of Movement Disorders | Christina Palmese | Extern (2) | Flyer | https://mountsinai.zoom.us/j/6296202385?pwd=eWNadGNQamRFVXNaT2VKcGZQNnRSZz09 | Passcode: 742831 |
Mount Sinai Medical Center, Dept of Rehabilitation Medicine and Human Performance | Sabrina Breed, Angela Riccobono | Extern (2-3) | Flyer | https://mountsinai.zoom.us/j/9903521679 |
7:15-8:00 PM Session (Externships N-Z)
Site Name | Supervisor(s) | Levels of Training (# positions) | Site Description | Zoom Link | Passcode |
Nassau University Medical Center | Lynn Schaefer | Extern (1) | Flyer | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87610790649?pwd=cEJLc0hNZCtUeHg0ME5ISG9LenJqZz09 | Passcode: 340772 |
North Shore University Hospital/Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Northwell Health | Paul Mattis, Erica Meltzer, Jami Halpern, Kayla Arleo, Crystall Quinn | Extern (5) | Flyer | Click for Microsoft Teams Meeting | |
Nuvance Health Neuroscience Institute | Anna Gertsberg | Extern (4) | Flyer | https://nuvancehealthvv.zoom.us/j/98609179425?pwd=MXgwZnVTWDlmZTY5alBWSWZMNHhFZz09 | Passcode: 380198 |
NYU Langone, Child Study Center, Neuropsychology and Learning Service | Lauren Fiedler, David Sukiennik | Extern (2) | Flyer | https://nyulangone.zoom.us/j/97936525477?pwd=M2V6SWZVMEZ3ZFZIalV3dXdEZ0tCZz09 | Passcode: 749530 |
NYU Langone, Dept of Neurology, Adult (Manhattan Campus) | Chris Morrison, Zachary Resch, Evan Schulze, Safa Shehab | Extern (5) | Flyer | https://nyulangone.zoom.us/j/98125695841?pwd=b0hZVDlTdDBwWEFQVWZ6aHYwdC8yUT09 | |
NYU Langone, Dept of Neurology, Pediatric (Manhattan and Brooklyn) | Gianna Locascio, Jennifer Rosenberg, Sarah Powell | Extern (3) | Flyer Flyer Flyer |
https://nyulangone.zoom.us/my/locascio | Passcode: Locascio |
NYU Langone, Dept of Pediatrics, Ambulatory Care (Manhattan) | Sarah Powell | Extern (1-2) | Flyer | https://nyulangone.zoom.us/my/locascio | Passcode: Locascio |
Promise Clinic at Columbia | Meghan Tomb, Sonel Rowley, Jaclyn Zocca, Rachel Kallus | Extern (1) | Flyer | https://columbiacuimc.zoom.us/j/93949573445?pwd=a3E5bVlOeHhYVWNBRjNuQ05Zay9nUT09 | Passcode: 987987 |
Staten Island Hospital, Northwell Health | Galina Kitchens | Extern (5) | Flyer | Click for Microsoft Teams Meeting | |
Stony Brook University Medical Center | Brian Lebowitz, Tom Preston , Kelly Coulehan, Fawad Viqar | Extern (3-5) | Flyer | Click for Microsoft Teams Meeting | |
SUNY Downstate, Neurology Dept | Luba Nakhutina, Emily Kurlansik | Extern (1 adult, 1 peds) | Flyer | https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75966215895?pwd=zdHjLT2TzLr0ApVEOpNOapApXtfocX.1 | Passcode: QvB5fy |
Weill Cornell/NYPH, Cross-Lifespan Neuropsychology, Dept of Psychiatry | Chaya Fridman | Extern (1-2) | Flyer | https://weillcornell.zoom.us/j/98782975040 | Passcode: 609584 |
Weill Cornell/NYPH, Dept of Neurosurgery | Amanda Sacks-Zimmerman, Heidi Bender | Extern (7-9) | Flyer | https://weillcornell.zoom.us/j/95844522291 | |
Weill Cornell/NYPH, Neuropsychology Service | Lisa Ravdin | Extern (3-4) | Flyer | https://weillcornell.zoom.us/j/5070044263 | |
Weill Cornell/NYPH, Inpatient Neuropsychology on Rehabilitation and Psychiatry Units | Abhishek Jaywant | Extern (1) | Flyer | https://weillcornell.zoom.us/j/94610042877 | |
Weill Cornell/NYPH, Westchester Behavioral Health Center, Department of Psychiatry | Beth Rabinovitz | Extern (2-3) | Flyer | https://weillcornell.zoom.us/j/99180184385 | |
Yale New Haven Health | Stephanie Towns, Lucas Driskell | Extern (2-3) | Flyer | https://yale.zoom.us/j/93162170116 |
8:00-8:45 PM Session (Internships/Fellowships)
Site Name | Supervisor(s) | Levels of Training (# positions) | Site Description | Zoom Link | Passcode |
Bellevue Hospital | Anna E. Odon, Sonia Bernal | Intern (1) | Flyer | https://hhc.webex.com/hhc/j.php?MTID=maa2744cd79dfe5f947268538b5017bce | Meeting: 23172119256 Passcode: JWppzhB@328 |
Child Mind Institute, Learning and Development Center (LDC) | Daryaneh Badaly, Kenneth Schuster, Laura Phillips, Matthew Cruger, Alex Bellantuono, Angela Dewey, Rachel Ganz | Postdoctoral Fellow (2) | Flyer | https://childmind.zoom.us/j/83491027725?pwd=xuyYK845VMDtn1q9MoQSmVJhCCvvKF.1 | Passcode: 910528 |
Columbia University Medical Center, Neuropsychology Service | Jason Krellman, Elise Caccappolo, Stephanie Assuras | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | https://columbiacuimc.zoom.us/j/92294148357 | |
Early Treatment Program / Center for Neuropsychological Services, Northwell Health | Hilary Bertisch, Kristin Candan, Philip Watson | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | https://northwellhealth.zoom.us/j/92923067945?from=addon | |
Growing Minds Psychology | Matthew Pagirsky | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | https://zoom.us/j/6464946149 | |
James J. Peters VA Medical Center | Julie Thysen, Monique Pimontel | Intern (2) | Flyer | https://veteransaffairs.webex.com/veteransaffairs/j.php?MTID=m4f7d8f765e75da8d2c0963da0afb38e2 | Password: 6ZBprNMN*72 |
Lenox Hill Hospital, Center for Attention and Learning, Northwell Health | Anna Goodearl, Estrella Rajwan-Heber, Anindita Rao, Jared Band | Postdoctoral Fellow (1-2) | Flyer | https://northwellhealth.zoom.us/j/93954526316 | |
Long Island Jewish Medical Center/Zucker Hillside Hospital, Northwell Health, Dept of Neurology | Paul Mattis, Erica Meltzer, Jami Halpern, Kayla Arleo, Crystall Quinn | Intern (3) | Flyer | Click for Microsoft Teams Meeting | |
Memorial Sloan Kettering Pediatric Neuropsychology | Stephen Sands | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | https://meetmsk.zoom.us/j/94174998494 | |
Montefiore Medical Center, Dept of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Neuropsychology Assessment Service | Bryan Freilich, Nicole Feirsen, Jodi Uderman, Elyssa Scharaga | Intern (1) Postdoctoral Fellow (1) |
Flyer (I) Flyer (F) |
https://einsteinmed.zoom.us/j/95993019472 | |
Mount Sinai Medical Center, Dept of Psychiatry, Adult Neuropsychology Center | Jane Martin, Margaret Sewell, Maria Loizos | Intern (2) | Flyer | https://mssm.zoom.us/j/89161205999 | |
Mount Sinai Medical Center, Dept of Rehabilitation Medicine and Human Performance, Brain Injury Research Center | Maria Kajankova, Kristen Dams-O’Connor, Eric Watson, Belinda Yew | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | https://mountsinai.zoom.us/j/96646880422 | |
North Shore University Hospital/Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Northwell Health, Dept of Neurology | Paul Mattis, Erica Meltzer, Jami Halpern, Kayla Arleo, Crystall Quinn | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | Click for Microsoft Teams Meeting | |
Nuvance Health Neuroscience Institute | Anna Gertsberg | Postdoctoral Fellow (1-2) | Flyer | https://nuvancehealthvv.zoom.us/j/98609179425?pwd=MXgwZnVTWDlmZTY5alBWSWZMNHhFZz09 | Passcode: 380198 |
NYU Langone, Child Study Center, Neuropsychology and Learning Service | Daniela Montalto, Lauren Fiedler | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | https://nyulangone.zoom.us/j/93771741466?pwd=WlNQOEFOcmJuNDI1d01selVzQ2ptQT09 | Passcode: 693801 |
NYU Langone, Dept of Neurology, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center | Chris Morrison, Zachary Resch, Jennifer Rosenberg, William Barr | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | https://nyulangone.zoom.us/j/91018288297?pwd=KzcyeUM0YU1pTzhkZmQxeVh6TVdGQT09 | |
Promise Clinic at Columbia | Meghan Tomb, Sonel Rowley, Jaclyn Zocca, Rachel Kallus | Postdoctoral Fellow (2) | Flyer | https://columbiacuimc.zoom.us/j/93949573445?pwd=a3E5bVlOeHhYVWNBRjNuQ05Zay9nUT09 | Passcode: 987987 |
Staten Island Hospital, Northwell Health | Rosemarie Basile | Intern (3) | Flyer | Click for Microsoft Teams Meeting | Passcode: hMHnEJ |
Stony Brook University Medical Center | Brian Lebowitz, Tom Preston , Kelly Coulehan, Fawad Viqar | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | Click for Microsoft Teams Meeting | |
Weill Cornell/NYPH, Dept of Neurosurgery | Heidi Bender, Amanda Sacks-Zimmerman | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | https://weillcornell.zoom.us/j/92669879996 | |
Yale New Haven Health | Stephanie Towns, Lucas Driskell | Postdoctoral Fellow (1) | Flyer | https://yale.zoom.us/j/93162170116 |